
Monday, October 21, 2019

Liquid Serenity

Walking with the Lord turns the raging river of life 
into a peaceful stroll down a calm, glassy stream.

Psalm 23:1-2
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside still waters.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Take 2 - 2020 and Beyond

 I started this blog in 2010 but I did not follow through with keeping it going, yet God has recently stirred me once again to "reach out farther" through this avenue. For the past several years my work schedule has greatly hindered my opportunities to minister in the traditional sense. Thanks to modern technology I can utilize the limited amount of "extra" time I have trying to be a blessing to others through social media without having to worry about the time of day that I am available.

    I am also considering delving into other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and possibly a website if the need presents itself. My primary goal is to encourage viewers regarding the truth of God's love as revealed in the Bible. I have no desire to get into debates, but would certainly embrace humble, respectful, and honest discussions about the many things that affect people in today's world and how God's Word relates to them. I do have formal training and a "working knowledge" of the Bible, but am by no means a "Bible scholar." I simply trust that God will lead people to me that need to hear what I have to say and God will use it to help them through life's difficult journey.

   Everything I write is simply my personal opinion and I am sure many people will disagree with what I think. That's ok! My job is not to "convert" you to what I think but to try and simply be a blessing to whoever needs to be blessed by posting the things God leads me to post. Then, if a post generates a desire for additional communication I would be delighted to have the opportunity to do so through private e-mail. I know a lot of bad things happen with social media, but at the same time a lot of good things can happen as well. I will have to leave it up to God as to what happens with it all. The awesome thing about this is that God can use it to touch people all over the world at the same time, from one location, even with my crazy schedule!

   My initial goal is to post encouraging content several times per week, and eventually on a daily basis. I am new to all of this and I am excited about learning all the technical things that will make it happen. Please "follow" my blog and direct the people in your life to it so that I can "reach out farther" to those in need of a blessing.

Thank you for your assistance!


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